hemp harvest
Hemp Harvest 2021
October 1, 2021
CBD gummies
New CBD Gummies
February 24, 2022

flower encased in ice

showing the build up of ice

Ice encapsulated everything

Fallen trees everywhere

Fallen trees everywhere

showing how ice covered everthing

frozen flower buds encapsulated in ice

January 2022 Newsletter Reflecting on 2021

Greetings from our cozy small town of Silverton, to all of our friends and family. We wish to use this new year to reflect and share a bit of our perspective of life and passion as we leave 2021 behind.

This marks our 7th year from our return to Oregon. There have been many changes brought by the seasons, economy, weather, pandemic and 2021. Unlike any other year, there have been lessons in buckling down and preparing for the seasons and the surprises they bring.

We love our CBD farm here in Oregon, which is home to so many. Also, we can admit we are now 60 because we are enjoying the migration of our winged friends. It’s pleasing to know we are home to year-round Harriers and American Kestrels. We had a visit this year from Golden Eagle, Canadian Geese, Bald Eagles, King Fishers and many more. It is an honor to have our farm provide a stop for so many and we have the opportunity to watch the birds’ habits survival skills.

Extreme Weather!

Our journey this past year was anything but boring. It seems we have had a reoccurring theme. Extreme weather! February brought us an afternoon and night of Ice. Ice that encapsulated everything. It was so beautiful to see all the branches, leaves, fencing and blades of grass that were covered with small crystals. As we watched the ice grow, we began to hear cracking from our forest area. A lot of cracking. So much so it sounded like an automatic rifle being shot. All night long. The destruction was unbelievable and our town suffered greatly. However, when spring came 6 weeks later, we were astonished by the healing of the plants. We still had a good crop from our fruit trees and the forest seems to have moved on.

June plowed in with record breaking temperatures of 111 degrees in the shade and 118 in the field. Our young hemp plants had tips of their leaves burned as if they had been torched.

Whole Circle Farms has been a passion of Love. Peter is an excellent farmer always searching for the cleanest and newest technology. He has been influenced by our daughter, Anna, who wrote a white paper on regenerative agriculture. Not sure if he is ready to take the next step of adding some Sheep, Calves or Goats, but that would be the icing for the soil. Our products are our testament to the effectiveness of CBD and Hemp. It is very satisfying to listen to the feedback we receive from so many who have experienced the amazing results of CBD. We still had a successful 2021 Hemp harvest.

With being 60 now, the kids are all nearly out of the house. We are enjoying this stage and now we can peruse our own goals. Those goals and dreams we can share next year as we know how fast time flies and that will be sooner than later!

Cheers, Rochelle and Peter


Here is a recent article showing how the impacts of the 2021 ice storm are still present a year later.

(503) 873-7976